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High Grade Discoveries Further Expand REE Carbonatites at Mick Well

Four new high grade REE discoveries confirmed at Mick Well as mineralisation

continues to expand beyond recently defined large carbonatite pipe targets.


  • High grade Rare Earth Elements (REE) confirmed at the new MW10, MW11, MW12 and MW13 discoveries with more than 13.5km of mineralisation strike identified so far.

  • Strongly mineralised ferrocarbonatite associated with southeastern pipe target with up to 6.5% TREO.

  • Exceptional results continue to be received, with more than 75% of samples returning greater than 1% Total Rare Earth Oxides (TREO) and a peak value of 26.5% TREO and 4.6% Nd₂O₃ + Pr₆O₁₁ (MWGS2946).

  • Review of existing samples highlights high grade carbonatites with 21.6% and 15.2% TREO associated with interpreted central carbonatite pipe.

  • Mapping around interpreted carbonatite pipes is ongoing, with additional mineralisation discoveries anticipated before year’s end as substantial REE system continues to be revealed.

Kingfisher Mining Limited (ASX:KFM) (“Kingfisher” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce the latest assays from its recent carbonatite mapping within the Mick Well area of the highly prospective Gascoyne Province.

Kingfisher’s Executive Director and CEO James Farrell commented: “We are delighted with the latest discoveries at MW10, MW11, MW12 and MW13 confirming the significant upside potential of the large-scale 7km by 4km carbonatite complex at Mick Well. We continue to see exceptionally high grade results from ferrocarbonatites which are associated with our large carbonatite plug targets. Our work in the area is continuing to expand this very large high grade REE opportunity and we anticipate we will be announcing further high grade discoveries before year’s end”.


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